Virginia Tech=27, Vanderbilt=34 (OT)
Virginia Tech football is on fire gentlemen.
The Hokies are a dumpster fire that is— That, and whoever on here called: Vandy+14 and/or Vandy+475 on the money line, come on out here and take one helluva a cyber bow. Brandi Chastain and I both say: “BRA-vo!” You Sir have straight game. Mad game. As that is the best call since we did actually have one single solitary O.P.T. poster who called the J.ames M.adison U.pset pick ‘bang’ on the chin way way way back when. “Brilliant” as Coach Tony Beats is want to gold-rush say. We, however, who actually bother to tell it like it is… well we have a whole helluva a lot to Labor Day ’24 weekend tail (catty: foreshadowing intended). This after a 414-mile West-by-So.-West jaunt over to Nashville, Tennesee that went totally haywire ass (bleeped) amuck; and then it actually bothered to kick off.
1Q 2o24 remaining:
1Q 15:oo remaining:
I did see this post-game… wildly sage ain’t it???
Vandy is #50 and VT is #52 on the 247 Talent Composite.
1Q 11:36 remaining:
Classic Am.Lit’ peeps…
This was a neat “…(time to)… pause and reflect.” drop here by the ESPN colour-commentator guy. That, and somewhere Coach Samuel Clemmons is… contextualizing.
2Q 15 remaining: (and game duration):
The v’Bilt Staff sure went for it for most of the twilight of August yet first few minutes of ’24 all afternoon long. They coached “like their hair was on fire” as Budwiser used to say. That, or their collective arses were feelin’ dat hot-seat, heat.
Though, and either way… they went and brung it here!
3o 2nd–half remaining:
At the Intermission, the following metrics bent our Eye… and may have been taken as a hint or three.
- –6 minutes in T.O.P. vs. a Qb1 you really need to be sitting and keeping outta synch or rhythm is never a good start.
- King-Tut’ had –3′ in rushing at the break. (That’s negative three, feets!)
- Cobra-Ky’ was averaging a whopping 32″ per carry! (That’s inches men).
- Vandy’s Qb1s rating was +297% north of our Qb1s rating.
- Σ or Total Yardage was +191% in Vandy’s favor.
- …do you see a trend, here?
3Q 12:27 remaining:
See: po’ Strol’ get his rubber cleats realllly caught in the hateful Vandy field-turf; as a blizzard of black pellets erupts right at the end of the Pav’ even-side scramble. This is after the right ankle pronates outward just 1-stride b4. Where #26 falls down and does not get back up outta-bounds. Eye’d call this mo’ ankle then foot than anything else— though it was a nasty look catch down in the fake stuff. St.Philip bless!!!
3Q o:oo remaining:
Do you see what Eye do NOT see?
As yet again… this proverbial game of inches is best measured in centimeters indeed…
That, or timing is EVERYTHING.
As I (somehow) screen-capped that one jus’ as the line of sight swallowed the sliced
Vandy field-goal attempt just (wide)… right, whole!?!
4Q 4:25 remaining:
See po’ m.Thomas with the dreaded ‘misstep’ toe-catch non-contact turf injury at the very bottom of the screen on the releasing flat-wheel route.
4Q 1:36 remaining:
Then Drones started right-soleus cramping up…
…which any O.G. worth his likewise O.G. salt-tablet(s) will tell you is a sign of lack of, conditioning.
(New G’s will say this is a lack of hydration and/or an abundance of dum’-dum’ O.G. NaCl tablets).
OT o:oo remaining:
The clothesline on the final Brew-crew substitute Qb2 follow-threw was something… #21 got his ‘uncatchable’ swallow the “whistle” money’s worth on this one here.
That, and somewhere Stan Hansen and his damn lariat are, smiling.
o:oo remaining OT:
Game Duration:
Referee: Stuart Mullins and crew ‘let ’em play’ all day. Calling next to nothing in basketball on grass-era terms. So, this too you cannot argue hosed VeeTee; or, got the same homecooked in Nashville’s favor.
Finally, just in case you were not keeping score @home… Crooky and Co. went 8-deep on the day and that is better than most years as S&C textbook Recency Effect gone R&R ineffective goes.
Time To Throw (TTT)©:
Qb pressured=5
Qb hurried=1
Qb hits=22 (1 fumbled)
Virginia Tech:
Qb pressured=6
Qb hurried=1
Qb hits=17
TTT Analysis:
So, here we see that… things graded pretty squarely— the same as the Lo.FM down below. Both seem to posit, connote, and aver a tight contest. Which is basically what we (ended) getting down the stretch.
The only difference maker Eye could see was pass-rushing itself. Where Vandy won nearly 2:1 or +2oo% Commodore better; just barely sailing away to extend the salty New River draining the Duck Pond metaphor. As just a little mo’ Crooked pass-pro’ thingys getting straightened out mighta gone a long long way for us here… and yet again; if my Aunt Kim had nutz-n-a-bolt she’d still be my Uncle, Tim.
A few things really screamed outward here… early on (1Q & 2Q) and they were not ’24 risking Drones as much as they second half of ’23 did. Hence, his hit count detonated after the matinee double-header after intermission. This is either a reversion or an improvisation; ‘pending upon your point of view. (Or, a discouraging if you are a Drones’ fam’ member phobicing for thy son).
Further… we graded underwater on both V-passing-cup and on our run-shapes too boot. When I looked it up it was hard to discern which one was science-fact worse. Tho’ in-game my Eye was bent by our lack of churning and Rb-earning in grounding terms. As we only courted one carry north of 14 yards and two of our modestly best carries were from Qbs. Not Rb(s). This is not a good (handoff) ground-n-pound Pry wants to be: ‘physical’ All Charmin Conference sign.
(o) (o)
On the other side… aye… the Vandy O scheme is schemey indeed; in wiggy spades actually.
Nonetheless, every single halt-unit element took step(s); plural, backward on Saturday. Everything. All.
I don’t know how else to type it? Nothing was leveled or bettered. Everything single thing was in reverse or regressed. Again, that’s a Summa Cum Laude offense they run… fair play. Tho’ you had ALL summer long to marvelously work the equation(s) against it; n’est-ce pas?
Longfield Management (Lo.FM)©:
Virginia Tech:
positive: |||| |||| (3 TD’s!)
Swiss (neutral): |
negative: |||| |||| |||| (20% of these=OT1, w0w).
positive: |||| |||| (1 TD! 1 4th-down convert & 1 4th-down VT FG gifting flag!)
Swiss (neutral): |
negative: |||| ||| (1 Vandy penalty)
Lo.FM Analysis:
Strange days indeed… most peculiar momma. Or, when life gives you coach j.Lennon, you make lennonade?
As this is one hard Lo.FM to grade. ’cause VeeTee (Drones’) did hit/make mo’ great Lo.FM plays. However, they also suffered mo’ negating Lo.FM plays inflicted against or self-inflicted the same. Such makes for an asexual day… whereby Vandy did not so much beat Vah.Tech; so much as Vah.Tech beat, themself.
— —— —
So, and continuing from above… is Drones slamming himself North By Northwest or Coach a.Hitchcock football (still) all we offensively gots?
’cause we started out with a vertically truncated NOT northward bound O. This was obvious; a blind man could see it with a cane. And this is actually fine; jus’ so long as you own and/or pawn the peeps flooding the Ot-box on the opposing D. (think: O.G. Oaktown Raiders: Shell and Upshaw just punking/abusing peeps physically). (Think: Druck’ and his uber-physical oLine with play-action behind it). No worries; if you can/do… however… we, did not/cannot.
Although, things got better -mo’ than a little bit too- after they ’24 gone ’23 (again) reverted after the middle of the 5th inning over in Nashville.
What we do not scopolamine meme or mean… is… did the O-Staff really think they could per se: ‘get away’ with this over in Tennesse vs. seemingly little ole Vandy?
As that (coulda) been a reasonable time to try something(s), new.
Vet some things… take an in-game measure of thy very own ways-n-means.
That part does not play-calling, clipboard, or scripting bother me… (Eye mighta selected the same rotisserie of calls); what does bother me, however, is that we did not have the measure of them (Vandy); or, perhaps better struck… of our own possession metrics.
That already one game in scares me… and it should frighten you too.
(o) (o)
That would be my defensive word of the day for Saturday.
That and ‘shaky’ if Eye had to name-drop an offensive word of the day for Labor Day–2.
As this was a sketchy opening bid from Tech ’24. The only calculus for you is thus… how much of this was Vandy being mo’ dandy than anyone (self-included) had prognosticinti thought?
And how much was VeeTee was naught?
Was so-so early on… got a bit better… tho’ then really wet the latent and OT bunk-bed. The one serial ask here is… how much of that was the: “C” in S&C itself?
That, and how much of that was the hottest/draining ‘est on-field conditions we’ve seen since the jump over at Bristol Motor Speedway. (We warned everyone on this one as well…)
The second 2nd-layer was missy/messy at times… next block they shed will nearly be their ’24 first.
Marshall will answer this vastly mo’ normalized better… hopefully, this is a Conditioning and a.c.c.limatizing outLIAR mo’ so than any internalized ’24 truth(s).
Or, if Pavia has just one mo’ move in him… or a pure R.P.M. 5th-gear; he’d still be running. We had our aggressive chances and he faked us-in, (as Don Hudons once invented way way back when)…
➕: 29%
swiss: 28%
➖: 52%
Observe: that negative number… sucks!
Nearly all-time TTT© and Lo.FM©… sucks.
(’cause the O knows where the play is going and the snap-count which mostly negates being 1o on 11; less a Qb(run) threatening O— which the Ty.Bow’ O actually is; and which should only tilt things further in the hard to key Ty.Bow O favor!)
Or, is it rather the… Ty.Bw O? (As there is no “o” in Ty.Bow).
Hence the missing 1% sum up above makes all the mo’ rounding-off sense.
That’s just NOT a good O with mo’ peeps back than any other D-1 O folks. Not at all. As something is very very very off here early on. Even under a hard-cap Talent ceiling. Even with a difficult defensive schematic match-up. You should go’on and be doin’ you like a champ with everyone back. Not worse than on the (former) level with all things indeed being (current) equal in return. Whereas we did not do much of anythang for close to the first ~4o-minutes of not much O opening ’24 play. Again… something is very very ‘rong with this coaching verb. Very.
Citizen Cohn: Special Council: Joseph Welch: “Certainly Senato: ...I’d say that a pixie is a close relative to a fairy “
Pretty (boyz) much. As our self-glossed Wr Corps of: “Bad Boyz” -that we four questioned pre-season understand; went a.Davis on Will’s epic mix-tape and blocked like faries high on their very own pixie-dust itself. Unmanned as the Old Testament strikes it.
🦅 >>> 🦃
Participation Trophy fans rejoice.
They kinda/sorta did try… I would not say they efforting tanked.
Eye would say they looked virtually nearly the same as ’23— except that they looked a pinch worse upon final review. As Vandy did mo’ northward damage than Eye had thought in serial real-time 1986 Shanks Hall O.G. clipboard scribbling between plays as non-opposable write-thumb as I possibly could.
Edge sealing/hooking was very questionable at times. The G-c-G Roly-Poly bugs did not get skated as much; tho’ nothing good on the interior trifecta either. Parker Brothers when ParkHer sisters in particular on the passing V-cup.
As Eye saw lottsa so-called: ‘chicken-fighting’ and stalemates; a few Vandy pushes and not a whole helluva a lot northward/downfield O&M folding after that. Not quite taking a true-blue O&M butt-kicking so much as not chewing any bubble gum or kicking any azz in their own right.
Nearly… static… in a word.
Like all v.P.i. football E.S.M. frontwall equations set to=zero.
Thus… your only calculus here is… is this a coaching ceiling; or, a Talenting, roof?
the takeaway…
…the takeaway here is thus…
…this Hokiebird egg was laid via the following team:
…or, rather by the furtherest right, right-tailed Experience Curve squadron outta a now whopping 134 D-1 squads overall.
Folks… do you see what ^^^Eye^^^, mean?
This should NOT be 2o24 #1 in all the coaching Jimi Hendrix’s “are you experienced?” happening.
🏈 👁️.Q. Award Winner(s):
b.street and Vandy D-cord’/H.C. Clark Lea.
’cause the Game of Life ain’t Viagra ‘men.
i.e., don’t be so hard on thyself— ’cause try as we might, football still ain’t rocket, surgery.
Bulletin Board 1o1:
Big Lick:
Vandy busted our KO-coverage wedge busters ass Buster Brown style big-n-blue in Q2.
Leveled. And bent the knees. Game of Moans, plural.
@Q2 14:48 remaining.
Bad Cat:
No one really copped *that* much ‘tude.
Sky Hawk:
a.Jennings did have a nice finger-tip snag.
So, that counts/wins the bulletin-boarding party here.
King Hokie:
He can drink from my canteen any day.
(And we did warn you: ‘might be best Qb1 we all year see’ pre-game too).
As in… he only misfired once in the closing ≅2o-minutes of griding and that is how you ride, clutch.
Loved the offset double Hb’s flanking Pavia in their sawed-off Pistol look when one of the Hb’s would loop-motion and go against the line-of-scrummage and motioning backward or the ‘rong way pre-snap. That takes a minute or three to practice field, perfect. Total contrarian look. Neat-o kool.
xxx‘s & ooo‘s:
I’ma not as sure as everyone else is that Vandy out-coached us per se… Eye am sure that they did NOT out-coach themselves or shot the foot of the same(s).
They managed the game better… they may have won the pre-game (and motivated) better… they prolly won the Conditioning part in S&C itself better.
So, yah; they won this part here… and they beat most bettors.
The question for you is… why is this Gobbler Junior Year staff not getting any, better?
formulae football
- Purdue in’23.
- Vandy in’24…
- … do you see what Eye, mean?
- Eye mean who is gonna P2 want you know who?
The “Hisssssssing” booth:
from above:
Well, here we already said it… as in during this very pre-season and we “said” it over-n-over-n-over and over and over again…
Whereas the rest of the never worn a jock -or even a sports bra- total nostrum media hustled, chiseled, and snake-oiled you up one side and down the other; with used-car hype of: the Hokiebird is a ’24: “Play-off darkhorse” …and… a: “All Championship Caliber contender“…
…we 4 you ask?
Well, we four said this…
check it…
“The Rest of the Story…“
Now Coach Paul Harvey and Co. have to wonder out loud?
Where’s the Τau Σigma λambda I used to know?
That one Eye may not know.
Granted. Mea culpa.
Although I do know that these were BOTH ≥9o% just a few hours ago…
…you do the maths.
I also know that when your opponent {sic: Vandy} runs virtually 6 in 1o of their offensive plays on YOUR side of the field that they are the ones going Park Place. Or primo real estate: “Location, location, location.”
I also know that nullifying 25 yards worth of Hokie medium-O -bad for expensing us two 1st-downs to boot- on penalties flagged against the very same O is shooting oneself in the shotgun formation foot. (Did we four not warn all of you re: our +1,000+ ‘hike’ in yellow laundry in ’23 once we went on a Drones offensive?)
This after VeeTee piled up a whopping near tricentennial (6′ short of 3oo yards) in the second half of scrumming to come from ahead to tally what handicappers call a: “bad beat”.
And then Eye stumbled upon this O&M emerald in the Stadium Wood ruff from C2 of TSL…
…as the Aussies taught me to say the season I weathered down under (and on the All-Blacks isles; ‘good day’ @Coach God and pop)… “…you’re not ‘rong” C’s.
’cause Talent is up. That’s elevated. Not down… not on the level… rise is greater than (≥) run.
Check it…
- is g.Wells >>> Drones?
- Which De is >>> A.P.R.?
- is m.Thomas >>> King-Tut’?
- Which Dt is >>> Mister Duke?
- is the Wr-room smaller, narrower, less… deep?
- is Galt IV not S&C >>> better looking >>> then b4???
LOL… Talent is not only up, it is top-kick or top-shelf high-end getting better and better.
Now depth the actual pigskin savvy among you could bemoan… and Talent itself still has a few holes that need filling it… (a real Fs1, another Lb1, and an Olineman1 or three)… granted. Fair-play. Tru dat.
Nonetheless, Talent itself is at a multi-year Duck Pond high-water marker. (Going back to year no.1 Fu’). Again, Talent is UP. Which forces you to question coaching the verb more and more… huh?
Hence… ergo… therefore… to Whit… you brazen coaching (the pejorative) honks can now begin to lay on that hokiemobile message-board horn a bit mo’. Maybe mo’ than a bit if they are .5oo after Rutgers and south of that after MiaFla. (Though there Eye cart >>> horse go yet again)…
’cause now? Now you and the orphan baller ‘pip’ can author some Dickens of Great Expectations. See: the graphical equation up above…
…because when you give me mo’ inputs/Talent(s), then aye; you have EVERY right
to expect better outputs/games from me.
The sportlight…
…’cause here in the sportlight… this pic says it all…
Not so sure there?
Was Vah.Tech really the lesser team; or, jus’ less ready/less willing to play?
- Did we read too many press clippings and/or did we get too high on their own fumes’?
‘casue we know what it was not… this was NOT a M*A*S*H unit or a crippled incoming team with Drones and king-Tut’ out for a while or for the duration. So, that’s not Training Room it. (In point of fact… Vandy was scooped to be the less healthy team heading into this one right here). Additionally, Vandy had three Butterfinger plays or fumbles; so, we did have our shot(s) here. So, that’s not it either.
And although it may take the next 8Q’s of ‘ball to be sure what the first 4Q’s of ‘ball were ’24 code for… we can be sure that…
…you can be most certain that, Marshall and @O.d.u. are now must-haves; if, not life-n-death for this mess, too. And that is gonna take something extra outta them just in time for a VERY physical Rutgers crew who looked epic in round #1 vs. a punching bag named: Howard.
▄ ▄ ▄ ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄ ▄ ▄
1 • is a •
2 •’s are a line…
…and now Pry must draw a MOST uncomfortable Marshall line in the Slusher Beach sand.
And yet 3 •’s is a plane; or where things start to become plain.
As we four did warn all of you that the only real first 12Q’s of ’24 news would be bad news. As no news woulda been the only good news opening up 3-nil vs. three (seemingly) winnable opponents. And yet now we need to win our 1st one in the 2-hole. Go fig on this oblong spheroid yet again(s)… a cruel mistress this gridiron game.
As we are now officially 11% under Pry all-time in close or single-play games❗️
Accordingly, we now get to (unexpectedly) find out precisely where this Cluture and/or Leadership is…
The spurious part is... who picks this re-(v)-built team back up?
Who do we have Staff or Baller wise that screams: “get on my back!” to you?
Or, as James Douglas Morrison once Word of the Day belted it out…
🎼”G! L! O! R! I! A!”🎵
…welcome to Humble Pry commode-o-dore-64… us.
…welcome to the ErrorDome indeed.
Virginia Tech=27, Vanderbilt=34 (OT)
Welp to pick on this team now after this loss would be akin to how the Vandy OC repeatedly picked on Mansoor Delane. Not for lack of effort tho. Like Phillips who found himself all heart and on the ground with nothing in his arms this team seems can now divest itself from all the watchlists. The crosshairs are now off this team accept maybe a RUTS opportunity. Too bad, this looks so far to be the year to be decent in the ACC.
Well, you could spin it that way…
…’crosshairs’ or attention is now down or diverted and that could end-swell the head game itself?
who knows…
Massive spoon in Bourbonstreets pot. After Week 4, have at it. Today Vandy beat Vt, not a powerhouse, a team trying to build on last year. It’s not that shocking. Vt hasn’t beaten anyone with a pulse in how long?? If you believed 10 wins you were just being a fan, “fanatic”.
This is just the hyperbole period. Tune in end of Sept and let’s see where we stand. VT has issues in coaching no doubt. Stirring this into the world is falling right now is just board fuel.
O.d.u. nearly upset the fightin’ Beamers… and Marshall ran all over their jabroni…
…never mind Rutgers… Eye’ma not real week-2 and week-3 steady now?
I’m thinking this team and coaching staff, the latter w/ the exception of Prybar, did indeed read too much press about how awesome this Hokies team is. I heard multiple quotes where Pry was trying to tamp down the irrational exuberance. Prybar will really start earning his salary today-3 (Sunday morning)
well, not umpossible.
They would not be the first humans to ever do so; either.
Hell, let us hope that is all this is… too.