Spring wrap, Orange and Maroon tech-bits: (part II)


Single records. Vinyl. Mini-me L.P.’s. Some of you are old enough to recall this, some of you prolly still have the magical little yellow plastic doohickey insert for the ones with the generous hole in the middle. Such as the one with the theme song for all things VT on the right. For those of […] READ MORE

Spring wrap, Orange and Maroon odds and ends: (Part I)


My pal Kyle Tucker likes to coin the phrase: “…emptying the notebook.” I’m a little older than K.T. is. I still have my rookie year 1987 clipboard from 424 Shanks Hall — from way way back in the day. Still use it just the same as any old sideline play-calling warrior once did. So here […] READ MORE

Your 2011 spring game checklist:


Virginia Tech’s spring practices are almost over and go ahead and raise your O&M hand if it seems like spring-ball 2011 just got started? Yah, big 10-4 on that ghost-rider; me too, I swear they just opened for business. However, in the meantime, some things have clarified themselves a bit; and some things remain rather […] READ MORE

Qb or not to Qb, that is the question:


Who is VT’s #2 or back-up Qb for next season? Because we all know who #1 is. (pic) And this just in, rain is rumored to be wet. That said … who emerges from the quad-way spring practice and August camp Pivot derby as the surefire #2 Qb when we play Appy State on o9.o3? […] READ MORE

Springball 2010: what kind of pigskin spring has sprung in Blacksburg?


A very interesting one is my take. Maybe even an unexpected one in some realms. We made good progress. Though I am left wondering if we had a breakout baller this spring? We typically do. Just ask 2009 and Ryan Williams. Or 2008 and Mr. Taylor at Defensive-Tackle (Dt). For you Mr. Peabody time-machine fans, […] READ MORE

Spring Ball 2010: at the halfway point I see…


Numerous races are in progress at several Virginia Tech football positions. Some more important than others. Some closer than others. Some are beginning to showcase at least a medium amount of separation. Some may not be decided until August — and there is a distinct possibility of further position swapping. Here is how I am […] READ MORE

What would you do if you ran the (O&M) zoo???


Springball 201o is upon us. Just like hot-stove baseball, optimism and questions mutually abound at all 120 D-1 football campuses. Chris and Will have done, and will continue to do a epic job of laying all of that out for you in the next couple of weeks. Per such, let us dabble in something else, […] READ MORE