Old Dominion Eye in the Sky!


Virginia Tech=37, Old Dominion=17 Virginia Tech football played and won/survived another game of Quarter… bounce. The Hokies were up a whopping four, that’s (4) whole entire points at the 35-minute marker as a significant road favorite vs. a significantly very lowly Nationally rated O.d.u. team. (Recall the following incoming Monarch metrics, please… …of the soon-to-be […] READ MORE

Old Dominion football preview!!!


#66 R.P.I. Virginia Tech @ #94 R.P.I. Old Dominion: Today’s word of the day is… a·jar /əˈjär/ adjective (of a door or other opening) slightly open. to be out of harmony. (adverb). 10 PM TSL MB O.DDoS.U?!? Origin: mid 16th century: from on + obsolete char (Old English cerr ) ‘a turn, return’ READ MORE

Old Dominion Eye in the Sky!


Virginia Tech=36 Old Dominion=17 Virginia Tech football… won. And this just in… rain is still rumored to be… wet. The Hokies are now One-hyphen-zero on ’23. Which is one up on ’22. That and Purdue got spiked punch in its F.s.u.-West boilermaker. Rutgers went off and trumped c.Heston U; (even a bit sportingly shucked them). […] READ MORE

Old Dominion football preview!!!


#125 R.P.I. Virginia Tech vs. #127 R.P.I. Old Dominion: Today’s word(s) of the day is… Stomach! stom·ach /ˈstəmək/ noun. Orign: Via Latin from Greek stomakhos ‘gullet’, from stoma ‘mouth’. the internal organ in which the major part of the digestion of food occurs, being (in humans and many mammals) a pear-shaped enlargement of the alimentary canal […] READ MORE

Old Dominion basketball preview!


#313 R.P.I. Old Dominion vs. #14o R.P.I. Virginia Tech:  Virginia Tech men’s basketball be butter! The Hokies are on a roll. Tho’ there I go again… always putting the cart in front of the horse. As Coach Popcorn and Company are still tinkering and puttering and sorting out their 2o22-2o23 -looking good so far- roles. The Hokies are […] READ MORE