Virginia Tech=17 Purdue=24 Virginia Tech football is hurt. The Hokies opponents are putting steals all kinda all over the TSL message board fanbase. Nevertheless, that’s entirely why Will and Chris keeps someone around… So, that “…when the going gets tough the tough get… going! Who’s with me?!?” Oh, wait… it might R.A.T.T. get zero-point-zero (shutout) tougher […] READ MORE
#85 R.P.I. Virginia Tech vs. #98 R.P.I. Purdue: Today’s word of the day is… Boilermaker! boil·er·mak·er /ˈboilərˌmākər/ noun. a person who makes boilers. (Who; knew… right?) NORTH AMERICAN: a shot of whiskey followed by a glass of beer as a chaser. My ’52 V.P.I. pops, out on his 3o4 back-porch every Friday nite after coaler work […] READ MORE
For 31:07 this was on 1-play or a 1.5 play game, either way. Accordingly, here is what I wrote at the Intermission for the pay-side of “Purdue with 3 plays >13 yards! And yet this game is 1-play right now, nip-n-tuck. This is an easy, simple, game men. IF you let it be! Work […] READ MORE
#54 R.P.I. Virginia Tech @ #98 R.P.I. Purdue: Today’s word of the day is… heady head·y (hĕd′ē) adjective head·i·er, head·i·est a. Intoxicating or stupefying: heady liqueur. b. Tending to upset the mind or the balance of senses: standing on a heady outcrop of rock. c. Serving to exhilarate: the heady news of triumph. a. […] READ MORE