Virginia Tech at East Carolina football preview


#42 R.P.I. Virginia Tech @ #7o R.P.I. East Carolina: Today’s word of the day is… exiguous ex·ig·u·ous (ĭg-zĭg′yo͞o-əs, ĭk-sĭg′-) adj. Extremely scanty; meager. this preview! (hopefully, this game) With family funeral traveling obligations this week, this is gonna be a short preview. So Virgina Tech is gonna win! Ok, now I’m done. Well, maybe not […] READ MORE

Your winning Purdue Eye in the Sky, Tech Thoughts …and Prayers.


For 31:07 this was on 1-play or a 1.5 play game, either way. Accordingly, here is what I wrote at the Intermission for the pay-side of “Purdue with 3 plays >13 yards! And yet this game is 1-play right now, nip-n-tuck.  This is an easy, simple, game men.  IF you let it be! Work […] READ MORE

Virginia Tech at Purdue football preview


#54 R.P.I. Virginia Tech @ #98 R.P.I.  Purdue: Today’s word of the day is… heady head·y (hĕd′ē) adjective head·i·er, head·i·est a. Intoxicating or stupefying: heady liqueur. b. Tending to upset the mind or the balance of senses: standing on a heady outcrop of rock. c. Serving to exhilarate: the heady news of triumph.   a. […] READ MORE

Tech Thoughts: mini-me Scrimmage #2 notes:


Scrimmage #2: O >>> D! Dangnation! Michael Brewer just sparked the 1’s defense up yo’! Wow! That was the Ohio State apex fun-slinging, gun-slinging, wide open version of M.Brewer. (he even ran for one score) Not the over-thinking the offense version of M.Brewer that appeared to this trained Eye to sequester the O a bit […] READ MORE

Tech Thoughts: early Spring Practice movers, shakers and question marks…


Spring Practice 33% Review: Spring has sprung down in Blacksburg Va. folks! Hopefully Slusher Beach still agrees. Even more hopeful that Russian Hokie will venture over there; and find out! However, and in the meantime, we have a few bits of objective news and some subjective analysis of the same; that needs to be aired […] READ MORE