Virginia Tech=17, Florida State=39
Virginia Tech football… where you stand is where you sit.
The Hokies and Miles’ (Stadium) Law both say that although there have been some battling-back signs— how much longer can they stand to get beat? Before they go Ralph Malph, and sit on Pottsie’s lap and rotate. Eye mean… this is gonna take a toil… and the ’23 post-season bowling Tournament erstwhile known as the Wake-up-call or the next 6o-minutes of scrumming are MUST haves. Must. Super must at that. And yet there Eye goes again… always putting the cart before the horse. As Florida State and Chief Osceola have the horses. Whereas our Ag.Scool is playing ‘quarter’ bounce and cannot pony, up!
1Q 6o remaining:
This is it… right here… the whole entire ’23 team…
…pretty much the whole entire Culture, too.
’cause I’ma telling yah right now… IF these two fall down go ‘boom’?
Go’on and expect fight/oomph and the like ilk to follow suit and do the same.
1Q 9:13 remaining:
In the Game of Life… what do you tell people?
What you want people to… “repeat”.
In the game of football… what do you show people?
Exactly what you want people to… ‘see’.
This was a so-called: old-school ‘show play’.
As F.s.u. wanted the rest of ’23 to see this and waste rushers defending the same.
(Well, that or they ‘saw’ something in us/VeeTee…)
And Coach God Bless my Guardian Angel. Did we not tell you in the comments section we felt a “2-point conversion” or a: “doink” coming? And this very game you ask? This very game here they *both*, were.
1Q 7:52 remaining:
Watch and meta-communicate/lip-read with Pry as he pulls his inner Camp Mohawk and utters Bill Murray’s touchstone phrase (to rally the sagging West Egg troops vs. the across-the-pond richy-rich kids, remember?) of: …
1:33 remaining:
Well, unless of course getting clowned by prissy-sissy boys gayly enuff counts?
That still count?
(see sideline pic: below)
’cause here’s what time it really is… jus‘… ⌚️
Game duration:
There were several Steals in this one men.
Most of which got inflicted against the good guys.
Including… someone needs to check on hokiepro. As his daughter (Collen Beck) got punt coverage swept right off her feet at the 3Q 2:12 marker. You go, girl!
Though at least we did flex back and push back a bit… and we’ve not seen that in a while… maybe they are learning how to hate to, L???
(Or, that our very own lunchroom money tastes, good?)
1Q 0:00 remaining:
So, after the first stanza of play, F.s.u. had 19 rushing yards for every 3′ rushing of ours. They were up a backbreaking ≅+282% in T.O.P. (time of possession). They were up 24.5 passing yards to every 3′ of passing of ours.
And surely the rout was on, rights?
As a most queer thing happened along the way to the Seminole Candy Store…
2Q ??? remaining:
Eye cannot find the moment upon breaking the tape…
…although he is what he looked like afterward…
You do the maths…
2Q o:oo remaining:
Namely, the second quarter of play happened itself and it just so happened that neither team suffered any real injuries in these 15 minutes of play.
This is critical… as this objectively science fact assures us that Talent itself did not Δ or, change.
What did change was the scoreboard… as VeeTee (somehow) hung on then hung in and fought back to trim a whopping 22-point or 3+ full plays F.s.u. advantage down to a single solitary play at intermission. Check it…
So, during the second stanza of play, F.s.u. had 6′ rushing yards for every 48.5 rushing of ours! They were down a backbreaking ≅–277% in T.O.P. (time of possession). They were down –9.67 passing yards to every 9′ of passing yards of their very own.
Or in other words…
We are the greatest .333 team in the land❗️
TSL: “STFU b.street!!!”
Look guys… we are maxing out what limited Talent and a handful of star power like coaching the Summa CUM Loudy the 4.o perfect attendance too, verb! We baited Travis into the strength of our D. (Cb’s, and Lawson). And they did NOT tap out or spit the bit.
Someone forgot to tell the 5 or so Talent matching guys we do gots to lay down and die.
They are playing Mr. Scott football… giving you all she gots!!!
(VERY impressed with Hokie HEART in the last
4 contests. (legit) Mans-game, son!)
(and we left at least 2 ‘go’ plays out there on foul-ups/misses).
Coach Sherlock Holmes: “When you have eliminated all which is impossible then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”
Or in final words… as Talent was 2Q static… the only thing that remains is: coaching the verb
and the nebulous concept of: Leadership itself.
3Q 14:47 remaining:
Don’t ever doubt me again on a *their* boy call.
Acta non-verba, baa-bee!
LOL wtf happened here #Hokies
— HokiePharm (@HokiePharmacist) October 7, 2023
Nice kid. Prolly makes a reliable/good Fu’ caliber neighbor later on in the game of, Life. (Which is the biggest competition/scoreboard there is, mind yah…)
Though he too white-bread.
Too much a pita-pocket-Qb1.
He too country club; too… golf.
Drones keeps some damn dawgg in him— and we ain’t had dat since the last j.Evans vs. Fu’ eruption.
That all rightfully, struck?
This is NOT how you Together Everyone Achieves, Mo’… roll.
3Q 14-n-a-½ remaining:
Take a R.A.T.T. looksee at this graph or in-game analytic…
…at our BEST, our Saturday zenith you ask?
And (now) only trailing F.s.u. by a little less than 1-full-play?
1 in 1o!
Which were our pinnacle or P.A.T.T.y-cake Owens Dining Hall bakers-man best possible odds
to win all day long. Think about that one for a bit men…
…that’s how little they think about us!
4Q 15:oo remaining:
From above: the 3Q to 4Q toggles between F.s.u. leading/whoopin’ and hollarin’ to just coasting or taking their feet off the pedal(s) altogether was eerily the same.
Which does make the R.A.T.T. in me wanna shave with Occam’s Razor… or is F.s.u. so dang good that they know it; and they therefore only show it when they choose to do the same?
’cause if this is true, our Wake-up-call might just leave us, chafed.
’cause less one KO-return house call?
This one was really a 39-1o, or near quadding-up.
Time To Throw (TTT)©:
Virginia Tech:
Qb pressured=14.
Qb hurried=2 (1 throwaway).
Qb hits=23! (1 fumble).
Florida State:
Qb pressured=4.
Qb hurried=nil!
Qb hits=6.
TTT Analysis:
Well(s)… it is pretty damn hard to win much of anything when you scratchmark or put checks in boxes like ^that^.
And without making Owens Dining Hall mincemeat outta any words— if anything?
You’d have to think they beat us by mo’ than 3.1 full plays. As this one was not good and several times upon breaking tape it really did feel like it was about to let loose and get truly -if not totally- worse.
Now, maybe that is coaching the verb or shrinking the game? (Which we did actually win by nearly four minutes of T.O.P.; time of possession). Maybe that is a bit of dawgg or leadership from the at least kinda barky -if not dawggy- Drones and King Tut’?
Maybe… we should ask about 1o-minutes remaining or the end of Wake and see how that tastes.
Though again, it sure felt like we had at least one foot on at least one banana peel and they sure felt ‘slippy’ to me and ‘bear Grylls. As the TTT marker did win though it was a shallow triumph of sorts.
— — —
Here, do we see the same Talent(s)?
Eye sees the following(s)
- A +216% differential in the stricter QBR metric.
- A +192% differential in the easier RTG vital.
- A +24% differential in completion percentage itself.
- A 2 to 0 passing metric advantage.
- A Qb1 who is averaging 6.o yards per attempt. That ranks him outside the Top 1oo!
- A Qb1 who suffered and likewise willed his way through one ugly 4-incomplete streak and not less than five, that’s (5) multiple consecutive incompletes streaks’. (Vs. a Qb1 who only suffered one multiple consecutive incomplete streak, singular). Think about that folks…
Eye also sees a Qb1 who just hit for a season-low in: completion percentage (by: –4%), in QBR (by: –13 points), and in RTG (by: –8 points). Do you sees what Eye, means?
What Eye means is… “First you learn to win @home”.
—’bear’ Bryant
As Cobra-Ky’s roadie, QBR plummets off a cliff by a nearly unheard-of –8o points! He also looks way more aerially hesitant or airwaves, nervy @Away. As he takes off much quicker in the Reagan era fired Air Traffic Controllers terms. This per his staggering +21o% more carries Away:Home! Wild, ain’t it?
Or, in final words… if you combined our two Qb1’s you’d actually prolly have one near complete (pun-intended) Qb1. As Drones did ALL he could Talent level or roofing wise and still only manufactured or scraped his way to his third worst QBR metric and his second worst RTG vital, ever!
As this guy is our very own major harris of hateful w.V.u. fame brought back to life.
Or a passing majordomo.
And you play him the same way ’89 Frank played m.Harris.
You play the odds on his undercooked -if not raw- downfield completion percentage of eleventeen, that’s (11%) and you under zone-flook (as ‘cuse used to do) and you make him beat you, long. (Which really tests the leaky V-cup for a “3-Mississippi” back-yard sandlot football count).
Logo-3 him if you will.
you do the Qb1, maths…
(o) (o)
Tackling Analysis:
The actually 1st-contact Coach Spock part was not as severe as Eye woulda honestly forecast pre-game vs. so very many **** and ***** VHT (very highly touted) chip freaks. F.s.u. only truly broke our ankles and stood us on our heads and shook us for all we were worth on 4 shake-n-bake 70’s ovenette moves.
The skewing part was multi-broken tackles on several plays.
Like a hot knife through warm butter.
We went Blue Ribbon or Great Value Spread and they went full-fledged, Parkay!
This is not that much of a Coach Shakespearian tragedy folks. As most teams we ’23 face will not only not be able to say the same, they will (likely) have less to kinetically say itself.
Riddell of the Sphinx.
Nevertheless… Gap vs. Man calls?
As my V.P.I. Fb1/Mike1 father said… “…a blind man can see it with a cane.”
Granted. Our Gap fills are filly indeed.
We do not tackle too badly when we actually get there— though there is the V.P.I. G.P.S. ‘there’ or where to be part that really does merit a press-pass questioner from: David or Andy who Eye challenge to ask them {sic: Pry and/or Marve} up.
mo’ below…
The Wishing Well(s)…
Eye will agry with Will on one part of his Monday Thoughts… and although I would not have nagged that the early calls were too throw-centric… it does make you wonder if they are still running more of a Wells offense?
Except fo’ one little thingy… they ain’t!
I bothered to look it up, sees?
- The run:pass toggle -with Jennings and Wells at full medicine, mind yah- was a Don Strock (which we predicted pre-season) or a near %33:67%! wow-za!
- The run:pass toggle -with a vastly reduced catch-corp all kinda Training Room caught up- (which only Coach God can predict) is a near whopping reversal of: %62:38%! Dang…
Eye mean… they have thrown down their ground-chuck Wishing-Well(s), lot with entrenching and ensconcing tools alike. Quite a bit, actually; boarding on predictably itself.
Meaning: just how many (run:pass) percentages must they add to the run-call-counter when your Qb1 really does need in-game passing reps, work(s), plural?
As all the sissoring/countering looks help finagle a few run shapes, and the short dumpy throws could help build ’23 confidence. However, how much ‘development’ does that develop for down the road?
See, ’cause if someone is not good at something, that something might just need some reps…
LOL, or; does that just make too much strategic/’25 long-view, sense❓
i.e., get beat by Wake and you might as well start playing/’developing, tomorrow; today.
Longfield Management (Lo.FM)©:
Virginia Tech:
positive: |||| |||| || (1 ‘nole flag, 1 VT penalty)
Swiss (neutral): |||| (2 ‘nole flags)
negative: |||| |||| |||| (1 VT penalty)
Florida State:
positive: |||| | (2 chunk TD’s!)
Swiss (neutral): ||||
negative: |||| ||| (4 ‘nole flags)
Lo.FM Analysis:
See ^there^ #FIREbug children… and see what Talent(s) really do taste like!!!
F.s.u. did come off-schedule here-n-there, they missed at least two; possibly three, serial ‘go-plays’ and yet look at what their vastly superior FIREpower did to our Talent-gap, flamers.
LOL… yah’ll some silly; easy, little… kids.
As F.s.u. (actually) played the sloppier game here when breaking tape. In particular, on a nearly jittery looking O at times that was their O-wn worse enemy. And yet(s) -quite plural- they have erasers for their misQ’s whereas we keep scratch paper at best. At, most.
(o) (o)
’cause our Cb’s defensed a A+++ helluva a game.
Has Eye mentioned the primacy of our secondary play, yet?
As they are all that stood -taller than their height measures vs. the skyscraping Tower Inferno F.s.u. Wideouts- they are all that stood between us and F.s.u. hanging fiddy, or (5o) on us.
As it took us nearly twenty, that’s (2o) minutes of work to pop-clean and hit their stud guys up -after they clearly L focus and let up a bit- and pop-clean for our 1st “+” or positive Lo.FM play.
Try actually thinking about that differential Talent coaching-hawks!
Blocking Analysis:
Well(s), it only worsened a little.
And candidly you could go Maytag and try to spin that as a mini-me moral-victory of sorts. Drones survived that beasty De1 of F.s.u. and the rest of F.s.u. too.
Recall: “He who fights and runs away lives to run away another day.”
Drones droned on; Tut took several licks Eye’d typed up if I typed for Tally. Although they made it through and that gives us a shot to steal one vs. Wake @home. They are indeed a rather punchy/fight one-two. You can see that creeping into both our front lines, too.
However, I can tell you this from my in-game notes… our oLine is not gonna get any invites to Dancing with the Stars anytime soon. Footwork just ain’t us. The question is… who do we face with a neat-o quickstep or speed-rushing dLine from here on in?
the takeaway...
Tough to be taken with being shook by 39 points allowed… when you net a play and a ½ from your O. Though we did see the film-room following…
🏈 👁️.Q. Award Winner:
Both Line coaches…
They did what their Talent/roofing allowed. Which is very mixed. Tho’ at at least you can see them trying.
Even attempting to give ‘battle’ here-n-there.
Way less gamma getting pushed around and bending forward to say “ahhhhh”, looks.
Not Alpahing. They do not have those Coach God, Bandwidths.
Though living their best C— to C+++ b-side, life.
xxx’s & ooo’s and formulae football
To me… we did a fair-to-middling job of maxing out what strengths we do have. Our Cb’s skyed, and went up up and away; again, and again. Lawson is a rangy one in coverage and we did at least sorta genie some Qb1 pressures/hurries on the epic oLine of the ‘noles.
’cause if not for the five, that’s a stellar (5) combined passes broken up and defended? They mighta kept going and gone Alabama 77, V.P.I. 3.
Way back in ’73 in the Claiborne payback game.
Their paystreak is vastly, vastly deeper on Talent(s) than ours; a Sierra Madre if you will ¦ ours is o-ver-bur-dened “clap-clap-clapclapclap” and frankly, we are prospecting with a lotta gangue minerals.
And that basically ain’t panning, out.
Trust the Holden Hall (MINE u.grad) in me.
As you can see above… we are gettin’ a bit better here and a bit better there.
We four called this a ’25 maybe even a ’26 rebuild.
mere 17-games, shook?!?
“The Rest of the Story...“
Where’s the τau Σigma λambda I used to know?
The sportlight…
Here in the sportlight… we proudly proclaim that… we are the greatest .333 team in the land❗️
TSL: “you STFU b.street and get on with your vacation!”
Look guys… we are maxing out what limited Talent and a handful of star power best they can.
In particular VeeTee Rb1’s.
Who are our new Wr2’s.
The VerdicT:
Check it… this is a 2.5 play team men… and (so far) Eye can prove it…
- 17 points on Σ O=286 (yards).
- 16 points on Σ O=319 (yards).
- 17 points on Σ O=343 (yards).
- 17* points on Σ O=313 (yards).
- do you see any trend(s), here???
- As 2.5 plays and ’bout ≈314 odd yards seems our zenith here.
* understand, only 58% of which were, Offensive!
And do understand… this was accrued vs. different caliber D’s (76th best, 14th best, 48th best, and 79th best). That’s a pretty decent degree of variance in statistical terms and none of them sucked as halt-units go. Or, these are pretty dang solid R.A.T.T. raters of all things VeeTee little O.
i.e., …you could say there is only so much coaching blood to squeeze from this Hokiestone, rock.
Your magic number=Sweet-sixteen+1 or, girl-math gone one-oh-(n)one.
As that is all it takes to beat us right now folks.
18-points or 2 FG-makes and 2-majors and we are basically, done.
Wake -if you are wondering is averaging right at ~27 when they have the ball on O.
▄ ▄ ▄ ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄ ▄ ▄
’cause if F.s.u. had kept the pedal to the metal and been just a bit hornier for our work?
The Seminoles were at least (twice) close to going total sex-doll on us.
Pyrite Pitt… Wake is our ’23 gold-rush or seminal… moment.
Virginia Tech=17, Florida State=39
I could not agree more, Wake sure feels like an important yardstick.
Be REEALLLLLLLLLLLLY useful to play BYE with some VicTory Dance momentum from Wake.
You won 2 of your last 3… things are looking up.
Get W.O.K.E. and shook fo’ all your worth and OPEN will upset us too– as the season then=done.
Where is the Wake Forest preview?