Your Commonwealth Trophying virginia Eye in the Sky!

Virginia Tech=55, france=17

Virginia Tech football just beat the damn breaks off of archrival hooVa.

The Hokies went hard in the paint… and road the cavaliers all-nite and hung the wahoo’s up, wet. 25/8. 366. Leapt over and over and over again. Thereby playing a downright adult version of Andrew Dice Clay football to their game of chess: Jack and Jill went up the hill, each with a buck and a quarter. Jill came down with two-fiddy and Jack was nimble and Jill was, split! OOOOOOOOOOOOH! As it was the Ag.School who aerated The Lawn and the weed-eating school who got, whacked! The farmer made his fortune in the field and the wannabe u.V.a. high rollers crapped out. The Hokies won a laugher here men… going snake-eyes and boxcars over and over and over, 55-17, again. Same as it ever was, same as it ever, was! (that: and there are mouse-hover easter-eggs below).

1Q 15:00 remaining:
Here where we do NOT feed the pander-bears… we do, however, issue credible PROPers @Acc Network for finally kickin’ it 1o8o HD all the way Youtube Replay, up!

1Q 60:oo remaining:

…LOL… they know hoo’s BITCH you be! LOL…

Patient as could be but I still need some satisfaction, a little less talk, and a little more action.”
No.1o, Qb1 for guess, hoo???

light skirts make for light work…
short skirts make for short, work…

though NO skirts make for, idle… work.
Coach God willing… somewhere Mr. Coleman is… smiling.

They recruit quitters.”
V.P.I. Ng1, Mark Webb on Va. in 1986. After: 42-1o, recall!

Young man, there’s a place you can go. You can stay there and I’m sure you will find Many ways to have a good time. You can do whatever you, feeeeeeeel!”

As the ghost of Mark Webb and Co. just put in some nasty on the way to Charlotte, work.

All fingers point to this… whereas these dykie Dutch boyz were all, thumbs.

And then you ask?
Well then the game actually, began❗️

1Q 3:14 remaining:
In 1978 during an interview with Howard Cosell on MNF, Jack Lambert commented,
Quarterbacks should wear dresses.

Aye. Tru dat five-eight. And although the ally of helmet technology, safety 1st, 2nd, 3rd, next, …middle… penultimate and a rarefied state Pro-Life last… you can play Tackle or you can play tuba, see?. You can even play tuba for longer than you can play Tackle. Granted. So, I will give the bandies and “…one time at band camp…” that.

Tho’ this is a Rivalry game yo’… (s)hitshappen.

And frankly?

NO wonder tackling is now soooooooo paper-machete gone mac·ra·méa at lower levels of play… crackbacks are part of the gridiron score. They just are and the score must be kept and the score must be, settled. Outcomes and incomes, mettled out alike.

Though I’d bet Tissy woulda settle for a: “LOOOOKOOUUUT” holler-back from someone,
anyone in the O&M here! wow. Good lick @#85 of hooVa.

2Q ~1o remaining:
Mea culpa; Eye did not catch this in real-time… tho’ when you frame-by-frame advance the projector film? You see our right-Te1 (87, Germain) accidentally and literally kicked po’ Drones on the inside of his right ankle while planted with no give/release to it.

…this is not nasty, not a dent, mo’ like a biting ding for the day. 

Still, yet, this is a sucky way to get friendly fire done out.

As the inside is a less than 1o% hurt. Rare. Stiffy too. St.Philip bless!

observe: …the inside work.

3Q 7:39 remaining:
So, although I do not know if this is *the* VeeTee Block of the Year? I don’t know if it is not, either. And I am fully sure it is the Special Teams O&M Block of the Year.

As Thomas nearly stutter-steps and stalks #33 of hooVa and then #56 (3o4’s very own: Layth Ghannam) does just enuff to get in the way and seal the top-side “Lucy” (O.G. for a left wall on the KO-return) deal.

+++Together Everyone Achieves, Mo’, here!

And to be transparent here… #24 + #56 a hole, it was mo’ like the maw opening of a: Basking Shark, As you just do not see this kinda opening on any given KO return… years will go by b4 you catch another.

3Q 5:52 remaining:
This is how you totally DAWGG your Rival for all time…

King-Tut’ facetime… 1o1…

No Joke folks… they ran this one back-n-forth and forth-n-back to hysterical Rb film-room LOL/taunts @ le team. “Too Easy.” —White Men Can’t Jump

Someone really should blow this up and posterize it for Tuten’s dorm’ room.

3Q :18 remaining:

Foxtrot U(va)!!!

Best, Rivalry; pic… OTY!!!


4Q 0:00 remaining:

Total elapsed: 03:24 gametime of (Nair, I mean near) total hooVa, pain.

And then?

Well, then the hijinks began…

5Q: 364 mo’ days remaining:

Premature sprinkl-E-LATION 1-o-none! ROTF!!!

🦃 >>> 🏆 >>> ⚔️

Time To Throw (TTT)©:

Virginia Tech:
Qb pressured=6
Qb hurried=2
Qb hits=17 (a season nadir, mind yah!)

Qb pressured=19!!! (tho’, 1 TD throw).
Qb hurried=2
Qb hits=17!

TTT analysis:
Well, that is how your plum git after an opposing Qb1. Prolly don’t help him much when he wets the pre-game bulletin board bed like he did either… Tho’ still yet, Drones took way less incoming fire since becoming our Qb1. That does not hurt one-iota (1ι) either. As he had to be fresher Pivot to finish; and 2 of those Qb-hits were not even his {sic: Wells}. And do understand that ours is a Qb rushing heavily centric O; hooVa’s is not. Our pass rush from the front-4 really helped and allowed us to routinely court seven, that’s (7) guys into coverage which allowed us to O&M redcoat and muck with lè Wr1, Washington. Like sending their pass-catching C-n-C to an unCivil War, Richmond. Nobody runs on or makes passes at Richmond. Or, something like that…

Though life sure is back-end easier when you serially punk people upfront. As this was our best zoning look in a spell. Wild how much recovering at least some hind-4 (S in particular) health meant to this outcome here. That, and the hooVa grab-gang did their Qb1 zero favors. They literally dropped several neat throws right in the breadbasket. So munch for croissants or Panera from the french.

(o) (o)

A sweet 16, that’s a backbreaking, and field-position displacing sixteen negative halts inflicted on dippy u.V.a. by the Marvelous one and Crew. 16! EPIC for 76 yards in reverse. One if by run and two if by sea. As we swamped dem’ far-lefties here. (Curiously enuff, the boohoos did tally six negative stops; though only good for 3o′ in reverse on Ty.Bow and Co. when we had the rock. Go fig’ on dat???)

On top of all of that… Marve and Price inflicted eight, that’s (8) Qb-contacts on u.V.a. passing attempts that could/should have resulted in at least 1 or 2 mo’ sacks! Eye… the jersey of that sissy-prissy Qb1 jumped-up up-start Qb1 boy from hooVa looked like it had taken a shotgun blast at near range. Holes all over it… and have I called him a: “sissy” or a “pansy” yet? K… and either way… bad as this objectively was? It at least coulda been subjectively worse— possibly very.

Now, mix in the fact that we punted and covered like champs… which nearly always penned the u.V.a. O inside their own 28-yard line or worse on lā O. As going ≅75+ yards is a tall tall ask at age=18. +several at Coach Holt who dropped thunderbolt(s) here. MOST curious when you consider that there were 13 punts in a 28-possession game. Of which five other possessions end sans a boot or a tally, and yet there were 72 combined points put up here. i.e, there were points left out on this field… again, go fig’ on dat… and a strange game this oblong spheroid itself.

Payne=Vinny Mihota, sliding-down (De1⇒Dt1a) extraordinaire!
(’nuff said)…

Understand and put respect on the fact that our former Qb2 just beat you know hoo on his worst career passing day (45.5%) like a damn rented goalie. Or like a Highty Tighty drum, or even worse than the scoreboard showed.

No, imagine Cobra-Ky if/when he ever cuts out these 3-4 sailing/leading total missive sets of throws/contest? What if he actually off-season ’24 improves as your incumbent, Qb1?

Blocking analysis:
Well, the cagey among you and Mr. French his very own ex-E&H blocking self will prolly pick up on… there was only one thing that truly moved or went deviation off of the standardized: Mean, Median, Mode. vs. the french.


As Hokiebird negative blocking plays experienced a bearish day here. Everything else was virtually literally where it has now 12-full-data point arithmetical-mean averaged out to be. Positive plays were average. Swiss/neutral plays were average. So, methinks this apparent betterment to be something of a faux-positive. As u.V.a. basically did: “…lay back and enjoy it.“. ’cause other than one Cb sharply crashing down the L.O.S. (line-of-scrummage) off the edge… Crooky and Co. had the advantage here.

A solid effort, trying to be forceful… even if the boohoos spit the bit a bit. Although that is not on us… and we shall take it and not give it back!

Longfield Management (Lo.FM)©:

Virginia Tech:
positive: |||| || (1 4th-Down TD! 1 3rd-Down TD! 1 VT flag)
Swiss (neutral): ||||
negative: |||| |||| |

positive: |||| ||| (2 VT flags)
Swiss (neutral): |||| ||
negative: |||| |||| |||| ||| (1 INT! 1 uva penalty)

Lo.FM Analysis:
Inquisitively enuff, this LoFM was pretty dang even for about 2o-minutes of play. Did not feel like that either, did it? It is just rather that VeeTee really hit or inflicted BIG ole (+) or positive Lo.FM’s early on. And when you think about that… being so close, yet so far away… we forced hooVa into Dire Straits-flavored football from the jump. They were only down 1.5 plays for the first 17-ish minutes of scrumming. Then it began to get away from them to close the 2nd Q. Then it snowballed, snowstormed and finally went full-blown (TD-throw, dropped) avalanchè on the po’ boo-hoos.

There is NO denying who the mo’ competitive tug-of-war and tire-pull team were here. One team pulled its own weight and the other team weighed anchor, spit the bit, made a hole, and then, went full-fledged, Q. They totally Q after we dropped a full-fledged 14-point fat burger right down their pie holes in a whopping 22 seconds worth of play (1st-Down TD then the King-Tut’ KO-return housing call). A brutal applied sports psych of a 1-2 punch combination. (Hence the positive marker was almost equal. It was rather u.V.a. who went Ludwig Van Beethoven and began, decomposing).

They ^did^!
No más” or Roberto Duran football 1-oh-none.

Tackling analysis:
Our Dt’s (P&P) played like damn swamp-donkey madness here, bustin’ dat A-gap azz; pun entirely intended. Our second layer -which has two different ex-Safeties in it, mind yah- covered very very well from our base D. Our halting was nearly entirely clean— while the game still seemingly scoreboard mattered. Best stopping Eye’ve recorded to begin a Hokie contest in years; plural. It did lessen a bit later on… although this one had utensils sticking outta it -plural- by then and such pragmatically mattered, not. Tho’, #18 (Phillips III) is a 1st-rate open-field O.G. of a ‘shoe-string’ tackler. You just do not see this kinda cobbler acumen in open space any mo’. PROPs! Likewise, our secondary’s Cover-3 zoning. It was better this week… and after all… they have 2 Safeties playing Lb. I mean, how bad could it (coverage) be? (Run-fills are a different animal; tho; they should *get it* as playing the pass goes).

Very impressive halting from Marvelous and Co. Price & Co. plum got after things upfront and that surely helped keep the Hokie hind-7 clean for roaming charges and soul, patrol(s). Very efficacious… the ending missed-tackles make me and Maj. Frank Burns: “no never mind.” Scrubs need P.T. too and you will need them in ’24-’26. Tissy, Payne, and Cole— all over the place; and Tissy in particular showed some whiskers gettin’ up and playing this well after getting plain stole. +3 @them.

(o) (o)

To put it another way… just how good is Ty.Bow and this ’23 O with a.Jennings?

’cause they just went double-double in hoops terms with their pre-snap 2 or 3-fold vectoring “chaos” look on the triple-option vs. hooVa. They faked, manipulated, tricked, crossbucked, countered, split-zoned (blocking), and bent the cavalier defensive shapes back against themselves and then -like a rubber band letting go- snapped them back against themselves just the same. Ty.Bow basically used hooVa against hooVa and hooVa went asexual and beat themselves. This was a ‘master(full)’ look by Bowen and Co. in a word.

And here is the truly queer part… for all the freezes/lock-ups or over pursuits this hooVa engendered? Drones left several throws out on the field. He missed (inaccurate) or did not see at least 2 or 3 “go” plays. Maybe 4? Trust me… we had 7o in us here.

In this century there is a 95.45% chance that u.V.a. is our… beyotch! LOL!!!

the takeaway...

…the takeaway here is… it may not be coaching the verb, or even Talenting the noun…

It is… culturing and chemistrying the nouns. As Cobra-Ky’ and King Tut’ are playing Mister Scott football and giving this locker room “all she’s got.” I mean the only things they are not clinically doing to lead from the physicall+mentally clinical front is popping the popcorn or parking the cars.

These improvements are quite possibly mo’ then and less anything/everything, else!

🏈 👁️.Q. Award Winner:

Those few of the 4th Estate who held their coaching the verb, poison pen, tongue.

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few… or the, one.”
—Coach Spock

R.A.T.T.: ...what did we truly, madly, deeply... Rivalry learn, here???

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xxx‘s & ooo‘s

Lombardi was beaten 35 times (Pack’), 4 times as a baller as one of the Seven Blocks of Granite, 14 times under Col.Red @Army, 23 times as O’cord for the World Champion Ny.Giants. 6 L’s @St. Cecilia to go with 6-State Titles and one National, beaten 6 times down @Fordham too.

Still, yet, Vinnie routinely squandered all that Talent.

He routinely misconjugated coaching: ‘the verb.’
Same as Pry, same as Ty.Bow & Marve.


Tough unlike hooVa they had their chārges ready to, play!
More… (see: below…)

formulae football

Prelest (from Church Slavonic: пре́лесть, itself from Church Slavonic: лесть, romanized: lestʹ, lit. ’charm, seduction, cajolery’, IPA: [lʲesʲtʲ] ⓘ; Medieval Greek: πλάνη, romanized: pláni, lit. ’wandering astray; fallacy’, IPA: [ˈ]), also known as spiritual delusion, spiritual deception, or spiritual illusion.

Or, those of the 4th estate who came clean… confessed…
and stanched, stayed, and cauterized my wrath…
^^^Will^^^: “…has guts… and guts is enuff...”

Or, those who had reposing things going on @home; St.Coleman bless. ’cause compassion is just not a sin. And now would never be a good time here…

The rest?
Yah’ll got 6o-mo’-minutes… fish or get off the publication non-prognosticative, non-prognosticenti, pot!

The Rest of the Story...

Where’s the τau Σigma λambda I used to know?

Back for a week?
Back until the Bowl?

Or, rather… aren’t you glad you dumped, Will???

The sportlight...

…we all know that you had better Finish What You, START!

’cause when you start like the word: “dracarys” itself?

It is the hooVa flamers who flame out… and you who carve your very first firey bed-post, notch!
BOOM goes the opening dynoMIGHT!!!


As in… oui-oui… opening up by opening up a damn case of vacuum-packed whoop-ass to the tune of: +1,085% groundings and then +216% airings in 1Q is gonna air a lotta dirty Rivalry laundry the spark, out! VeeTee did just what we said VeeTeen needed to do. Tyson vs. Spinks…

Afterward, things normalized a bit after the electric woodshedding or 220v, we pumped into the hooVa buss to begin…

…in point of fact, the ding-dongs over on Le Saber can rightfully claim that lá team did win the 4Q, statistically. And yet, here where real men congregate and spit truth at the power… we can additionally say that if my Aunt Kim had nutz-n-a-bolt she’d be my Uncle… Tim.

^^^ faffHer^^^ 1o1…

As even Avon raised to the Maybeline power does not manufacture enuff make-up to put enuff lipstick on this Jeffersonian pig. This one could leave a head-game mark in ’24 terms.

do you see a trend, here?

That, and we now know that Pry-bar is not a R.U.T.S. shy coach.

He will leverage any and all advantages that he can, for as long as he can, deep into yo’ can. Check it…

  • Pry has only one, that’s only (1) single digit W!
  • When he does win, he wins by at least 3-plays…
  • in ’22 he won by an average of: 12.67 ppg.
  • in ’23 he has won by an average of: 23.33 ppg!
  • Do; you, see… a trend, there men?

As his wins have been by at least seventeen ppg, that’s at least (17) 88.9% of the time! Think about that… when Pry pops clean, he pops spick-n-span. Or, Mister Clean to you know… hoo!

That… and, and, and, he/Pry seems to be none too shy about punking his in-conference brethren. Which makes you wonder just how they will reply when they get him down after this… as he just won five conference games by 17+ points:

knock-knock, hoos there?
VT55, uva17.

sprinkle sprinkle little czars… Venus is fo’ men, yours is measured in millibars.


  • This XXXL of a rivalry win is neat-o and will only boost post-season confidence. That’s the yang…
  • Tho’ last time they got too high on their very own fuels, and @Louisville we saw a too loosey-goosey set of Hokiebirds get shuffled good-n-hard. That’s the yin…
  • So, let us see how they handle ‘success’ this time; or, what did they learn from last, time? That’s the (possible) Tao…
  • Finally, it is a typically good -if not delightful- sign when your limited headcount Travel Squad empties the bench and plays a full twelveteen mo’ guys than the can dress as many as they want Home Squad does. PROPS @the Staff; as this does raise participatory got my pants at least a little bit muddy morale.

The  Uncommon Closer: ...

No matter bowing this/that… DO enjoy this ’23 season folks… +200% betterment is the D-1 P5 exception, not the rule. Savour the Bowl game folks… no matter if should we in fact win.
Be regular-season humbled —be. post-season, grateful.

Eye say this in all candor, as the ’24 dLine will need a massive rebuild; the right-side oLine is sketchy at 3/2’s full best; we need a true Mike1 like a dead-man needs a coffin. Our secondary will undergo at least a tertiary set of changes or declarations; and there will be King-Tut’ on display offers for him to consider this off-season.

Though there Eye goes… always differcult in my temporal mechanics or putting the cart before the horse again…

…though Eye can say this in parting… with 3-4 weeks’ worth of Film-Studying the verb?

There shall be no excuses— not a damn headset one.
The era of prelesting, ends.

Coaching the verb will now get truly and totally exposed for all to... see.
Rest Neo… the answers are coming.
Coach Morpheus


Virginia Tech=55, france=17







1Q 60 remaining:

76th-ranked Strength of Schedule Tulane vs. 83rd-ranked S.O.S. Vah.Tech!!!

2 Responses You are logged in as Test

  1. Great article. Looking like tech has a very positive future, but we are lacking some beef and some nasty. Middle of the d and o line needs some dogs. If pry can nab some beef, tech can start to roll.

    1. ’24 middle Dline=???

      And at the moment?
      It might not even equal that… they need serious LOVE there.
      fingers, eyes, toes… all, Crossed.


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